A lot of folks have commented on the difficulty of building suspense and even dread and terror in their TTRPG games. Whether you are in the horror genre, the political saga, or even the cyberpunk realm, there is a lot that can be learned from a simple jenga tower, like that used in Dread to build suspense. Starting a game of Jenga means building a stable tower, pushing the blocks together, clearing the gaps, making things straight. Similarly, in a game with suspense, things usually start out OK for the PCs. Everyone is pretty much happy with them and they are pretty happy with everyone. The more important part of this stage is building the layers that will make up the basis of the jenga tower. Someone is going to pull the first block out of that tower, usually the bad buys, and this is going to set the party in motion. Once in motion, for vengeance, good will, fame, or fortune, the party needs to start pulling more blocks out, sometimes on accident ...
Chronicles of an Elder GM Running, Hacking, and Sharing Advice on TTRPGs