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Shadows of the Last War: Entry to Darguun

A journal entry from Merek on hid adventures in Ebberon:

More now than ever I need to keep track of things.  There are so many things afoot, that it is hard to remember it all.  I'll keep this journal in code so no others can read it unless I give them the cypher.  It is too important to have anyone pick it up and read it.

The trip on the Lightning train was a fiasco.  After being attacked by assassins we found ourselves in a train car covered in blood and with one lone nobleman scared to death.  Luckily our disguises held.  We ended up pulling the emergency break and making a run for it.

Wroat was full of rumors and by our next train stop there were wanted posters for our disguised selves.  At some point, I think I shall have to disguise some bodies the same and turn them in for reward.

We made way on towards New Cyre and then Kenrun to get our excavation banner for "safe" passage.  New Cyre left me feeling very alone, with no Gowens to be found.  I guess all the rest or my mother's family didn't make it out.

Once in Dargruun we headed for Skullreave and the to the Seven Caves where the mark lie.  Skullreave was the false map location and we found it burnt to the ground.  We avoided the town and went on.

Near the Seven Caves we first found Wyverns and then hobgoblin guards for a Cult of the Dragon Below supplied by House Thaursh.  The wyvern was easy enough to dispatch, the hobgoblins more so.  I talked our way into the bowels of the cult's chambers using a House Thaursh signet ring.  We found that the Lady in blue had been sacrificed there.  There we also found the unbelievable truth.

The map leads to  schemas that allow the ultimate warforged to be made.  In the chambers, the cult had imprisoned a red dragon, kept it from growing, and forced it to answer their questions.  We freed the dragon, slaughtered the cult, and took the schema.  The dragon who I have nicknamed Red has chosen to accompany us on further into Darguun to find the next schema.

Wish us luck.


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