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A Tale of the Thornhold Guard: Taking on the Old Wizard Pharalyn

In the keep, celebrating the recent victory, the party relaxes, having a drink.  The party consists of:

  • Elven Ranger Corrail
  • Half-elf Druid / Rogue Felix
  • Victaerrus Shieldheart, 16 year old girl fighter
  • Khaleel, human cleric of Desna
  • Halfling Ranger Roderick
  • Pinnacle, a human sorcerer
  • Ali, a catfolk monk
The commanders of the Thornhold's hired army comes to the party asking them for a flag to raise in celebration of their victory over the Chtulian star spawn and evil wizard.  The party, in return for allowing her to stay on as part of the keep's staff, has a beautiful flag sewn by the bard Krisora.  The flag is purple with a griffin and seven gold starts.

The bard returns to the party and says that she wished to record their deeds in song and story of the victory at hand, but she needs a name for the party.  The party names themselves the Thornhold Guards, and Krisora is delighted at the name.

Victaerus's mother arrives at the keep with news.  The army at Neverwinter has broken its siege and is no heading for the gnomish city.  Elminster has requested that the party head for the gnomish city.  Vic's mother also suggests that now would be an opportune time to mop up some stragglers from the battle she has found camped at an old ruins two days out from the keep.

The party prepares to leave, when a woman arrives, Miss Agrivar.  She asks to speak to Corrail alone, though the rest of the party is eavesdropping.  She tells Corrail that the Harpers have gotten word that the army is retreating from the Neverwinter siege and heading straight for the gnome city.  The siege on Neverwinter was a ploy to keep Neverwinter's army from interceding in the real assault on the gnome city.  Now the Harpers was Corrail to make sure the city is not destroyed, or if that fails, ensure that he takes possession of the Mace of the Sun.  Someone will meet him in Waterdeep to take possession of the mace, should the city be destroyed.

The party then got in flight on their way to the ruins to take out the stragglers.  Between brooms of flyings, a griffon, and cloak of the bat, all get airborne.  They land and hike in just after midday.  The party gets into position and attacks.  Unfortunately, the wizard has been scrying and knows they are coming.  There is no surprise, and they find themselves immediately under attack.

The monk turns to his rod of wonder, a magical random effect device that doesn't seem to help half the time. Growing a tree, making sparkly lightshows happen between lucky shots of lightning.  The old wizards starts out easy but quickly is angered by the annoying attackers.  The halfling ranger gets pounded by mages.  A group of rogues follows the party members out into the woods and gets slaughtered by Corrail and Khaleel.  Pinnacle wisely fires off spells while ducking back into to cover, so as to avoid getting hit.

Meanwhile another group of rogues chases down the bear and Yuri, the winter wolf.  Felix flies in to attempt to save them, but gets sliced and diced by rapiers and goes down.  The party anxiously awaits to find out if he will live or die.


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