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Using Weapons of the Foe

One of my players mentioned the other day that is a foe uses a weapon he should be able to use it, although he qualified their being an exception maybe for size (a giant's weapon).  So how does Pathfinder rules apply?

Off to research: ...

Basic Weapons
So basic rules are anyone can use any weapon they can pick up.  They get a -2 attack for each size difference the weapon is off by from the wielder.  In addition, there is a -4 if the wielder isn't proficient with that weapon, or the weapon is improvised.  Similarly, don't expect to use special weapon abilities on weapons that you aren't proficient with.  Tripping with a whip takes knowledge of how to use a whip, for example.

Magical Weapons and Items
Magic items can be keyed for use by only specific characters or character types.  They can be usable only by a single class, alignment, race, person, and any combination thereof.  There might even be other constraints, depending on the situation.  Imagine a lyncathropic amulet that gives +3 to strength only on the three days of the month when the moon is most full.

For GMs, this constraint on the use of a magic items gives us some flexibility.  For example, a single mage taking on a group of 6 adventurers might have a heck of a time with standard gear.  Throw in a magic weapon, and now you have a battle.  But, hand that weapon then to a PC, and there is a balance problem.

The other problems is the struggle of good vs evil.  With a group of do-gooder adventurers fighting evil, the do-gooder adventurers shouldn't really be picking up every magical item conjured from the dark side of the force, strapping it on, and going about their merry way.  There is a price for using magic items conjured from evil.  Constraints give those items personality so the demon hand of killing can't be picked up by a paladin and used.  Quite simply, the consequence to the paladin if that were allowed should be an alignment penalty.  But, in a campaign where evil alignments aren't allowed, the logical outcome is not to allow the magic to be compatible so it could happen to being with.  That doesn't mean a paladin can't lose his lawful good alignment or the support of his deity, but it does mean that a character can't just change their alignment at will to get better equipment.

The other advantage is that keying a item reduces its resell value.  I get to give PCs better items for the effective loot value by keying the items.

The counter to keying is the Use Magic Device skill.  UMD allows a PC to activate an item blindly, read a spell scroll, use a wand, or emulate a class, ability score, alignment, race, or class feature to activate an item.  Though these rolls are tough they can be used.

Armor and Clothing
Armor and clothing is a different matter.  In this case, size matters a lot.  And though our group ignores armor check penalties, this generally means that the armor (and other clothing) pretty well has to be made of the individual and fit properly.  Picking up and using any armor is tricky.  Expect there to be negatives to this.


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