A few thoughts related to trees in the Ninth World:
- In the Westwood, there is a tree that grows square paper-like leaves with holes in them. When you place one of the leaves in a slot in the trunk, the leaves change color randomly and the tree make artificial beeping noises.
- In Navarene, 3 hours walk south of the Amber Monolith, there is a tree that grows a new trunk each year, always in a slightly different direction, straight, always exactly the same length, 17 meters. The locals reckon that it is 78 years old, since there are 78 trunks coming out in random directs. It is running out of space for new trunks.
- There is a tree that grows straight up near Stirthal with no visible leaves or branches. It is so impossibly tall that the top is no longer visible. The local loggers *really* want to cut is down, but the there is no telling which way would fall
- In the Beyond, near White Lake, there are rumors of a tree whose leaves sing when the breeze blows a certain way. A local seer claims that the music allows him to see the future.
- There is a forest in the middle of the plains that grows with red trunks, limbs, and branches with purple leaves. Animals never go there. Plants do not grow near the trees. Travelers are told not to stop there, for many have disappeared.
- Druisians recently been cut off from trade. The wagon leads have passed back stories of trees near the trails moving to block their path.
- Half way between Far Brohn and Aian, there is a village called Pittance. There the priest claims that the village is protected from a great danger by a huge tree that grows near the center of town. The tree has recently started to die and misfortunes are befalling the inhabitants near the edge of town.
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