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Darkened Path: Friday Night Pathfinder Horror

With a group consisting of 4 old players and 3 new players, Friday Night Pathfinder Horror got back under way this week.  As always, the new players started out with two players a piece.  Here's the starting party:

  • Allison -- Human Bard
  • Bengrim* -- Dwarf Paladin
  • Hecate -- Half-elf Sorceress
  • Lillian* -- Human Fighter (former paladin)
  • Morrigan -- Human Summoner with a Panther-like Eidolon
  • Sagittarius -- Half-elf Ranger
  • Sora -- Elf Bard
  • Sowden* -- Human Ranger
  • Tabbris* -- Human Druid
  • Vinde -- Human Psion
Previously played characters are marked with an asterisk.

The party starts out, having had new characters fallen down a crevasse into the cavern where the party waits to cross the lake.  Bengrim, Sowden (whose player is out), Lillian, and Tabbris sit near a camp fire.  The party gets briefly introduced and then starts to undertake the task of crossing the murky, putrid lake ahead.

Bengrim grabs his climbing gear and climbs along the cavern face to get to the other side.  Tabbris wild shapes into an alligator and heads to a large boulder near the center of the lake.  Lillian starts swimming.  Sagittarius starts swimming.

Unfortunately, the leech swarms in the water lock on to the scent of Sagittarius and head straight for him.  He writhes in pain as the blood is sucked from his body.  Tabbris summons a flaming sphere and attacks the creatures with it.  Many of the tiny blood-sucking creatures are killed.  Bengrim, remembering the sulfur ore he has mined takes a quick taste and realizes there is a salt flavor.  He throws the sulfur mixture into the water and kills a good number of the leeches.  Sagittarius swims back to shore.

Vinde takes a flying jump and attempts to float across the lake.  She makes it about 20 feet before having to grasp the wall to pull herself along.  Allison and Sore summon dolphins in the water to help them get across.  Lillian finds herself being stalked by the fast moving leeches, but one of her allies tosses meat into the water to draw them away.

After a few moments, the party finds themselves across the lake.  Lillian has made the swim.  Vinde has floated across.  Bengrim finishes his climb.  Tabbris easily swims as an alligator to the other side.  The dolphins help the rest quickly across.

On the other side is a large cavern.  It seems to have a chest situated in the back corner.  A boulder hides part of the room.  The party gathers themselves up, tends to the wounded, and heads forth to explore.  A ghostly green apparition of a beautiful woman appears.  She is obviously unhappy to find visitors here.  The tells the party they may not enter her house.  Sora attempts to coax her into letting them past.  Finally Hecate attempts to convince the creature that she is a powerful sorceress and will destroy the ghost is they are not allowed to pass.  The apparition disappears, but the two white glowing balls nearby remain.  They both bob around Sora and then finally blast him with electricity.  Bengrim takes a swing at the glowing orbs, but they easily dodge his strike.

At this point (because all new characters are still alive) there is a quaking in the earth.  A large boulder drops from the ceiling and crushes Allison.


  1. You literally dropped rocks on me -_-

  2. Yes, well, when plot devices fail, I have to employ other less elegant methods to reduce the party population.


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