Monday night brought the players back together for the first time in a long time. With two players missing, the action was a bit light. The Celestial Kyte sailed back to the Zelbinion without incident and the Zelbinion was unscathed, despite being in hostile waters. The new gunslinger Jericho spent most of his time keeping watch from the tree / crow's nest with the Druid.
Kroop spent some time with the new crazy wizard and then called a meeting of both crews. The crazy wizard was acting as mage on the Zelbinion. Kyte was going to be taking the Celestial Kyte's caster position. A new captain was taking over the Kyte, as well.
In a separate meeting of the officers and chiefs, Kroop explained the plan. The Kyte was going to sail 4 hours ahead of the Zelbinion for the Cimarine Isles. They were heading for Tortuga, but planned to pick up some plunder along the way. The Kyte would chase them down, and if she got in trouble, she'd hightail it for the Zelbinion. Tortuga held the secret to some reagents the old wizard needed to get the Zelbinion's magical defenses repaired, so getting there remained the priority.
The new crew aboard the Kyte included all of the PCs, made up of officers and a boarding party of 12.
Players divided up the boarding party NPCs to build (level 5) and control.
The Kyte took off and found a victim: the Devil's Pallor Captained by an old Hobgoblin and a crew of goblins. It wasn't much of a chase, though boarding nearly became a ramming for a moment. The captain of the Pallor gave up and let the Kyte take his plunder (fruit and wool, 2 points of plunder) without the need for cannons or boarding violence.
Kroop spent some time with the new crazy wizard and then called a meeting of both crews. The crazy wizard was acting as mage on the Zelbinion. Kyte was going to be taking the Celestial Kyte's caster position. A new captain was taking over the Kyte, as well.
In a separate meeting of the officers and chiefs, Kroop explained the plan. The Kyte was going to sail 4 hours ahead of the Zelbinion for the Cimarine Isles. They were heading for Tortuga, but planned to pick up some plunder along the way. The Kyte would chase them down, and if she got in trouble, she'd hightail it for the Zelbinion. Tortuga held the secret to some reagents the old wizard needed to get the Zelbinion's magical defenses repaired, so getting there remained the priority.
The new crew aboard the Kyte included all of the PCs, made up of officers and a boarding party of 12.
Celestial Kyte Crew (PCs in bold)
- Captain James Taerl (Son of a Luskan High Captain)
- Sandara First Mate and Healer
- Govan Wavebobbler Second Mate and Gunnery Captain
- Gunnery Crew
- "Tom Tom" Illtree (Elf) Navigator / Helmsman
- Shipboard Caster Kyte
- Cook Sheena
- Crow's Nest Druid
- Ratcatcher Ratline Rattsberger
Boarding Party (12)
- Victaerus Shieldheart
- Jericho Stonefellow
- Blackguard (Antipaladin)
- Cleric
- 3 Gunslingers
- 2 Fighter
- Monk (Martial Artist)
- Oracle
- Alchemist
The Kyte took off and found a victim: the Devil's Pallor Captained by an old Hobgoblin and a crew of goblins. It wasn't much of a chase, though boarding nearly became a ramming for a moment. The captain of the Pallor gave up and let the Kyte take his plunder (fruit and wool, 2 points of plunder) without the need for cannons or boarding violence.
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