The entire saga of Monday Night Pathfinder Pirates has been a building of tension. Since the party of 6 were first dragged aboard the Carrion Crow, the PCs have been targeted for abuse by Mister Plugg and Scourge. This week the group spent some final last time making preparations by trying to befriend the crew. Shifts continued as normal, but this day found Sarith, the Magus, on the wrong side of the dice rolls and head into the bloody hour tied to the main mast. Jacen saw it coming, shirked his duties, talked to some folks, and with the help of the half-giant who think he is a dwarf (siege weapon expert, fighter, cleric named Durgen), rigged some explosives. The bloody hour began and the crew was all placed on deck. 6 PCs took position. I slowly counted out the NPCs into two piles -- those that had been substantially influenced as to assist in the mutiny and those who were loyal to Scourge and Plugg. Jacen then called Scourge and Plugg out, ...
Chronicles of an Elder GM Running, Hacking, and Sharing Advice on TTRPGs