It was supposed to be the big D&D Experience weekend, but sickness and schedule conflicts kept us away. Friday night gaming went well with only our bard missing. --- So the group enters the intriguing cave only to find a hoard of skull spiders. These nasty little beasties are spiders that inhabit the skulls of their victims to give them that little bit extra. The group started whacking away at them while some stragglers took a bit longer to enter the cave. FInally the last little gnome sorceress popped in, only to have an executioner's hood fall onto her head and start suffocating her. There was a moment where the half-elf druid/rogue Felix almost considered poking poor Ally in the head to get the thing off, but better thoughts prevailed and three of them tried to flip the thing off. The paladin pounded away at spiders with the ranger, while the other three tugged, sending it tumbling to the ground. The hood crawled the wall, injured, and then...
Chronicles of an Elder GM Running, Hacking, and Sharing Advice on TTRPGs