It's a common scenario... a group wandering along through a wide-open forest, cavern, mountain, set of hills, etc, and they come across a scene of interest... the broken down wagon, a burnt down, house, a cave, a sinkhole, a camp of thieves. How do you know how close your party is when they spot it?
First pick a DC for the thing you're trying to notice. For example, a thieves camp might be a DC 5 at night. Then apply modifiers for the scenario: -2 because there is moonlight.
Then have your party place their characters in a small grid assuming a travel direction. Then have them roll perception. The distance to detect is given by:
distance = perception -(DC to notice + modifiers) * 10 feet
Compare this across your characters and their relative positions to determine which character detects first.
For example, our thieves camp is detected by a ranger out front with a perception of 17. He detects at range of 17-(5-2) = 140 feet.
First pick a DC for the thing you're trying to notice. For example, a thieves camp might be a DC 5 at night. Then apply modifiers for the scenario: -2 because there is moonlight.
Then have your party place their characters in a small grid assuming a travel direction. Then have them roll perception. The distance to detect is given by:
distance = perception -(DC to notice + modifiers) * 10 feet
Compare this across your characters and their relative positions to determine which character detects first.
For example, our thieves camp is detected by a ranger out front with a perception of 17. He detects at range of 17-(5-2) = 140 feet.
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