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A Code of Ettiquette for Online TTRPGs

This Code of Etiquette will become a standard part of all games I host online henceforth, subject to further refinement.

Etiquette of the GM
  1. The GM will maintain Rule Zero: Everyone has fun.
  2. The GM will not make changes to character rules (i.e. class, race, feat, or trait specific rules) after character creation without agreement of all players unless it conflicts with Rule Zero.
  3. The GM will attempt to maintain a clear set of rules, ensure that players are following them, and not change them arbitrarily during the campaign.
  4. The GM will make rule-consistent judgement calls to keep the game going, but may research controversial calls out of session and report back to the players.
  5. The GM will make every effort to keep session going on schedule, and will notify players as soon as possible if a session will be cancelled.  Rescheduled games will include all players.
  6. The GM will use player feedback, character backgrounds, other player-generated content to influence the game.
  7. The GM will not show favoritism towards any character or player.
  8. The GM will not attempt to play a PC.
  9. The GM will assist the players as a resource, not play against them or attempt to deliberately kill characters.
  10. The GM will not fudge rules or otherwise "cheat".  This does not imply that NPC characters in play must follow player character creation rules.
  11. The GM will attempt to not interrupt roleplaying, except to provide additional relevant information.
  12. The GM will not tolerate cheating.
  13. The GM may ask players that break player etiquette or rule zero to leave the group, and may permanently ban them from his/her games.

Etiquette of the Players
  1. The players will read and understand the rules, setting, character creation guidelines, tool help, and other available documentation before asking questions or making a character concept.
  2. The player will make a commitment before joining a game and will hold to that commitment.
    • Play at least 3 sessions and communicate with the GM before choosing to leave the game.
    • Will not be significantly absent during game times (leaving early, taking care of other things during the game time, excessive absences, etc)
  3. The player will absolutely attend the first gaming session to which they are invited if they join.
  4. The player will give notice before missing a session as early as possible, and only miss sessions for significant real life conflicts.
  5. The player will communicate with the GM about positive and negative aspects of the game.
  6. The player will not leave the campaign for any reason without talking to the GM about it first and attempting to address the player's issues, if possible and applicable.
  7. The player will not cheat or ask to break the rules.
  8. The player will not bring or use pirated game content.
  9. The player will not copy characters from other material, genres, cartoons, anime, books etc.  The characters will be of their own making and design.
  10. The player will make sure they have the necessary materials before joining the game (books, documents, headset, reliable internet, etc)
  11. The player will not argue with the GM about rulings in game or after the game.  The player may present additional relevant information to the GM out of game.
  12. The player will know how to play their character.
  13. The player will take their actions quickly on their turn.
  14. The player will pay attention and not disrupt the game.
  15. The players will not suggest vulgar, sexually violent, racist, sexist, ageist, or other inappropriate things during game play.
  16. The players will keep language age-appropriate, where applicable.
  17. The players will not metagame, meaning to use knowledge the character does not have to decide character actions.
  18. The players will play as part of the party, not attempt to play against the party, and will not attempt steal the spotlight or otherwise overshadow other characters with their character.  This implies building unique characters good at unique things.
  19. The players will not bully, insult, belittle, or otherwise disparage other players or their characters.
  20. The players will attempt to play their characters consistent with the character build, background story, and alignment (if used).


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