I'm currently running (at flgs): Custom Pathfinder extension for modern on Tuesdays Tabletop RPGs I'm c urrently playing (at flgs) include: Sunday Rise of Runelords I'm currently running (online): Nothing yet Tabletop RPGs I'm c urrently playing (online) include: Shadowrun I would especially like to play/run: Numenera, 13th Age ...but would also try: Call of Cthulu I live in: Indiana 2 or 3 well-known RPG products other people made that I like: Ultimate Equipment (Paizo), everything Forgotten Realms (Ed Greenwood, et al), Numenera (Monte Cooke) 2 or 3 novels I like: Neuromancer, Snowcrash, Giant Series (John P. Hogan) 2 or 3 movies I like: Groundhog's Day, Gattaca, The Avengers Best place to find me on-line: Who knows? I will read almost anything on tabletop RPGs if it's: Well thought out, insightful, positive I really do not want to hear about: Failed kickstart...