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Friday Shadowrun: Just to Make Things More Interesting

Vlad reports in...

When it rains, it pours, and time, it seems is slipping at its usual duty of keeping everything from happening at once.  You almost get the idea that there is someone, somewhere plotting and scheming all of this reality, trying to make it into some sort of story.

So I finally made it back to the bus without incident.  I have to admit it creeps me out a bit having it parked on the edge of the crater that we created on a previous mission.  It is the constant reminder of what happens when things get complicated.

So we split the cases we had gathered into two piles -- cold cases and warm cases.

Opening the cold cases we found a mismatch of about three people's worth (minus the torso and skulls, of course) of cyberware.  Some of it was old; some was normal stuff; some was foreign.

We opened one of the warm cases and saw a glowing head.   It was as creepy as one can imagine -- I think I saw the thing move. I'm thinking radioactive, so we aren't going to open anymore until we can get it somewhere that can keep us from glowing in the dark.  We close the lead case back up.

The case from Grundy's friend has a lifelike humanoid arm with a ring on it.  Saeder-Krupp logo on the ring lets us know it might be something high-end and corporate.  One has to be wary of any corp run by a dragon though.

So we decided to go visit Mr. Vic, a crazy gnome street doc about these limbs, and, besides, he probably has the proper protection for radioactive stuff.  Now the thing about Vic is that he isn't all there anymore.  He has dabbled in too many dangerous things with too many odd side effects.  When we arrive at his house, he is camped out in the bushes with his missile launcher that he lovingly refers to as a BB gun.  Scary gnomes (the garden variety) are keeping watch with him for squirrels.  What he really means is droids -- you learn to translate after a bit.  Inside he has droid heads mounted on the wall.

He takes down his front door, which just so happens to be a cart (*shakes head*) and we bring the cases inside, though a spiral staircase in the trunk of his car.  Cool entry -- he flips up the keypad that covers the old style keyhole for the lock on his door.  He digs in after we promise him a game of chess with the lizard man (Zero)?!?!  Inside we all just stair at the "junk land of mystery and wonder".  Outside there is a ruckus, so he gives me his BB gun with some cryptic directions to go kill the squirrels.  Sure enough outside there is a St. Bernard sized droid with odd features burrowing down headed for Vic's lab.  I aim the "BB gun" and push the red button.  Next thing I know, I am laying on the ground.  There is a crater where the droid was.  In the crater we find the original droid, and 3 smaller cloaked ones that luckily got taken out in the blast.  They aren't disintegrated, but seem shorted out.

Back inside Vic shows us what he has found... even a cyber heart.  It is all weird stuff.  Luckily he recognizes it, both from an auction house (Titanic Auctions run by a Mr. Smith -- the same banker that ended up dead) it all went through and from an estate sale coming somehow related.  It turns out he bought a lung from the collection and had it implanted.  He gives us a ticket to the estate sale, and mentions our old buddy Dredd stopped in with similar questions and headed to the same place.  Great.

There is a brief moment where Vic threatens zero with a dandelion, but I calmed him down.  We get our stuff.  I get to keep the BB gun.  We're back on our way again, after seeing a black van pull away.

GRRRR  Can I do nothing without being followed!  I need to get a scanner.  Or maybe a security drone?

Mr. Fixit calls -- we have to meet him in the mausoleum of an old cemetery at 6AM.  No sleeping in for the wicked.

We get back to the bus.  The crew turns to a conversation on the ring on the new hand marked Saeder-Krupp.  I find out there is another ring similar from Ares.  Oh, and they glow like the sun in astral space.  No wonder everyone had been tracking us.  Mages!  Grrrr

About this time a guy in a white suit, white hat, with red eyes and a demonhead cane strolls up from thin air.  I work the mouth magic and he spills the deal.  The rings we have are 2 of a ten ring set, of which he has 2.  If we can find and return our 2 plus the other 6 he''ll give us one wish (Really... genie dude?) or 25 million nuyen.  We can get a quarter of that if we just turn over the 2 rings.  This guy has an angle.  He leaves a cigar box with places for each ring.  I suggest we throw it away -- his magic contraption seems like a nice way for our rings to magically disappear.  I am worried we need someone powerful to balance out this guy's act.

So talking about these rings more, I find the guys ran into a dragon a while back who looks like an elf, hangs around with an elf woman, is a powerful person (duh), and likes to frequent newer drinking establishments.  They even know what he looks like.  We really need to talk more.

So we are figuring options:
  • Track down dragon
  • Sell 2 rings
  • Go to Sacramento and visit Auction House
  • Estate sale -- Noon tomorrow in Port Wayne
  • Sell augments
  • Meeting with Fixit at 6AM
  • Find rings by astral aura
  • Visit old lady in Port Wayne at antique shop for something to hide the rings' auras

Yeah, about this time we hear the news of Dunkelzahm's death. Man, what a day?

And, then, who shows up but our old buddy Dredd. I am ready to flee when he says he just wants to talk. He not only has one of the old vintage foreign cyberlimbs, but it turns out someone has filled him full of the same kind years ago. I scrape enough to know it was against his will and he is motivated to find these people that pushed him full of metal 30 years ago. Dredd looks a bit rough, like he's been in a losing fight lately. He agrees to assist when we need him. He also mentions the augments become no longer radioactive once their properly installed. Ok... explains why he doesn't glow in the dark.

Just when I think the day couldn't get any weirder, a guy falls off a building onto the bus behind us. 20 nuyen says it is a sniper who tripped -- it would be our luck.


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