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Friday Shadowrun: Introducing Vlad

So I started my Friday Shadowrun game this week as a player.  Unfortunately I am still tuning my headset, and I had an echo that made it hard for me to talk normally.  Hopefully it is fixed now so there will be no problems in the future.

So Vlad is an elf in 2064.  He's a smooth operator with a flair for outrageous suits and ties.  It suits him.  In one of his earlier undertakings he got caught in an industrial accident that turned him mostly blue from head to toe.  Unfortunately, the same accident got him in bad with Ares and he has to switch to supporting runners instead of his old more legal means of making money.

Vlad drives a simple 4 door Ford sedan.  It is hard to notice the extras he's put on it.  He carries a pistol or two when the job calls for it, and always has a knife on him in case things go south.  Most deadly for Vlad is his mouth.  He can talk his way in or out of just about anything.
Report from Vlad:

So I get a call while driving through the ground floor.  I don't recognize the number, but answer it anyway.  Its a strange voice but the man says his name is Mr. Fixit, and I know this guyss rep.  He's a player though his newsworthy plans tend to involve some chaos.

Mr. Fixit has a job.  What's the pay?  Any augmentation.  He gives a list of numbers and says he'll be in touch.  This is cool -- either way, pay or not, I can get money out of info on whatever is going on.  And if it is the real Mr. Fixit, the money for the info is better.

I call the number and get a deep gravelly voice on the other end.  I tell them who it is, who sent me, and ask for a location.  It is twenty minutes away; I get there in ten.

The location is outside a big orc concert in some semblance of what once was a doubledecker bus.  Inside there are a couple of guys and a snake.  Tyres.  Zero. Naga priest.  Later there is an AI playing with the computers -- Xxyyzzyy.  I'll get to know the family later -- time to get to work

So what's the job?  We have to get a tape inside the Outreach Center for the Universal Brotherhood.  Nobody has cased the joint.  Nobody knows what is on the tape.  They think it is in the head priest's office.

I walk out.  Little did I know the infiltrator, Zero, is following me.  I drop a Nuyen in the tank for the suggested donation for the conert and walk straight to the security line behind the stage.  Look like you are supposed to be there and the power follows you.  The security is Centurion and guys in matching suits -- something local maybe.  I tell him I am with Horizon Music and I am looking to get in the back and talk to whoever is in charge about signing the band.  It is a good thing the band really is good.

They lead me back through security cameras into the building to an auditorium.  It doesn't look like its bad to get in.  The guy following me branches around to check out the back loading dock, taking pictures.  Meanwhile I'm inside talking to this big guy in dreadlocks who is in charge.  I tell him the music executive story again and schedule a meeting.  This guy is the father... I'm supposed to be meeting the grandfather?  Whatever.  I ask for a map to the meeting place, and he gives me one against his better judgement.  Go team.

On the way out, I get lost and head for the area where I think the grandfather's office is.  Great... some lady security and now there are keycards.  I tell her I am parked in the other direction, and she leads me right down the hall past the office.  More cameras.  And two ancient gunnery turrents, but they are still lethal.

I get out the back and walk around to the bus and car again.  Yeah, we've got security cameras and keycards, security all over, and automated turrents.  This could be a challenge.

Suddenly though, Ares makes an appearance, and they are shutting down the concert.  This is damned peculiar.  Ares is not supposed to be on the ground floor, and they sure as hell shouldn't be shutting down a concert.  The AI hacks the speakers, sending sparks and some semblance of music over the tense crowd and tense Ares guys.  I see the window.

Lets move.  We head around back.  The guys flip up armor on the bus.  I'm happy in my car.

A few shots take out the cameras, and start a massacre as Ares hears the gunfire and starts shooting.  Chaos is everywhere.  The folks loading canisters and stuff on the loading docks run for the Outreach building, leaving the doors wide open.  The guys head inside while I keep watch and keep talking to them.  I'm the eyes and ears outside , so to speak.

The AI continues to mess with the Ares guys who are headed for the building.

Once inside the crew finds some miscellaneous stuff.  They realize the way in is to blow a hole in the wall into the office to bypass the turrent.  Boom and they are in.  Complication... grandfather is there, so they taser him.  He's a bug, and there are bug spirits all over.  It's a hive.  Guess we're blowing the joint.  They grab the tape and set a remote explosion to take out the building.

We take off.  I use the ramming plate on my car to move blocking traffic.  I toss my tie out the window as they set off the explosion.  This job is over for today.  We got the tape and we got rid of a big bug problem.  It could have been a lot worse.  Oh, and the AI nailed Ares for the massacre by sending tape to the news.  Smear campaign.  Nice.

Hopefully this ends quick and we can get paid soon... I am eyeing a pheremone upgrade to make my social skills a bit more effective.


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