Yes, that's right folks... GenCon is this week and it marks the beginning of the new gaming season. With everyone's schedule changing because of school and new games coming out it is the perfect time of year to start new games and end old ones.
My year and a half Pathfinder campaign wound down over the summer, and with many players leaving to go to college, I am looking to start a new Athas (aka. Dark Sun) Pathfinder campaign in its place.
Saturday Shadowrun is going to get revamped in a couple of ways. At least one of the 4 players is changing schedule, so the time or the players will definitely change. I am also working a Pathfinder extension rule set to potentially replace the Shadowrun rules I am using. I had hoped originally to use Neurospasta as my new rule set, but I can't get any answer from them as to what is OGL content and what isn't.
There are other new games I want to work in. I may have a Friday night Shadowrun game I can join. I am receiving my Numenera content and I'd love to run that as a regular game. I received my Companions of the Firmament book on flying for Pathfinder that I want to use in a new Pathfinder campaign that takes place in the jungles of Chult. Oh, and I still haven't gotten around to running a Call of Cthulu style game, probably also in Pathfinder. Oh, and Eh
I am really looking forward to continuing the Rise of the Runelords campaign I play on Tuesdays. I think I like my character more every time I play. And I have no less than two other characters built to take his place if he dies.
Projects are afoot too. I am working on a new Pathfinder character class. I have my Pathfinder post-modern / cyberpunk rules extension that I am pouring a lot of time into. I have my new game world Rumeria that is still left incomplete. The Port Wayne setting for Shadowrun needs more detail and maps. There are also two other casual games I have on the drawing board that I need to think through. With the two older girls moving on to college, I also have a new gaming area to populate.
There are definitely too many things to do and just not enough time. That is always the case though. At least its not boring.
My year and a half Pathfinder campaign wound down over the summer, and with many players leaving to go to college, I am looking to start a new Athas (aka. Dark Sun) Pathfinder campaign in its place.
Saturday Shadowrun is going to get revamped in a couple of ways. At least one of the 4 players is changing schedule, so the time or the players will definitely change. I am also working a Pathfinder extension rule set to potentially replace the Shadowrun rules I am using. I had hoped originally to use Neurospasta as my new rule set, but I can't get any answer from them as to what is OGL content and what isn't.
There are other new games I want to work in. I may have a Friday night Shadowrun game I can join. I am receiving my Numenera content and I'd love to run that as a regular game. I received my Companions of the Firmament book on flying for Pathfinder that I want to use in a new Pathfinder campaign that takes place in the jungles of Chult. Oh, and I still haven't gotten around to running a Call of Cthulu style game, probably also in Pathfinder. Oh, and Eh
I am really looking forward to continuing the Rise of the Runelords campaign I play on Tuesdays. I think I like my character more every time I play. And I have no less than two other characters built to take his place if he dies.
Projects are afoot too. I am working on a new Pathfinder character class. I have my Pathfinder post-modern / cyberpunk rules extension that I am pouring a lot of time into. I have my new game world Rumeria that is still left incomplete. The Port Wayne setting for Shadowrun needs more detail and maps. There are also two other casual games I have on the drawing board that I need to think through. With the two older girls moving on to college, I also have a new gaming area to populate.
There are definitely too many things to do and just not enough time. That is always the case though. At least its not boring.
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