So we moved our D&D night up to Tuesday since there is much preparation on Wednesday night planned for Thursday's birthday festivities.
The one thing I am learning to count on as a DM is not to count on things 'going as planned'.
Tonight the crew investigated some ruins where there were rumored to be orcs.
The ruins opened by means of solving a dwarvan riddle which described the 4 elements (earth, wind, water, fire) in a specific order, giving the order to press the runes on a plate. The riddle took a while to solve, and was complicated by the fact that we had watched "The Fifth Element" the night before. They were blowing at and setting fire to the runes trying to get the dungeon open.
Once inside, the rogue rushed ahead and set off a trap. Everyone was stabbed in a flurry of spears flying down the hallway at them. Before the rogue can try to ensure that the trap was disabled, here comes the fighter, setting the trap off again, and getting everyone a few more points of damage.
So finally they get down the hall and open the door to the orc room. The entrance tunnel collapses behind them and so they get to fight off 8 average sized orcs and one really big orc commander. Most of the orcs go down in a hit. Each of the PCs earns some much needed karma points (which are accompanied by flying chocolate snacks). At the end they collect a bunch of items from a chest.
Despite earlier bad things happening when trying to use unidentified items, the fight slips on his new boots. Little did he know they were the Cursed Boots of Skipping. So suddenly our manly he-fighter is skipping through the forest back to town to get help in removing them.
Unfortunately, no one tried on the Cursed Gloves of Fumbling or attempted to use the Cursed Scimitar of Annoyance (boy was I going to have fun playing the annoying talking scimitar).
The ranger accidentally left her animal companion at a dungeon and had to waste 2 days travel to go back for her. *sigh*
The crew does finally happen across S. F., Scoardred Flamedance, a powerful sorcerer responsible for setting undead against graverobbers at the local cemetery. They learn to the powers available to a level 20 sorcerer as they journey with him to the local large city of Innsbruck. Along the way they get entrusted with solving a regional problem with bandits and Scoardred leaves them to their adventure.
Post game I had a bit of a follow-up with the PCs, asking the big question of what do you like / don't like? K, our rogue PC, likes fighting and not much else. She gets bored easily. C, who plays the ranger, likes talking to people. The others seemed to fall in between. So, now I just need to figure out how to balance between hack'n'slash and role-playing. *sigh*
I am a little concerned that everyone is not getting completely into their characters. So to open things up a bit, I am thinking I might hold a Friday night Dungeon Delve and let them try out some new characters. If they like them, maybe they can swap them out in the campaign, since it is just getting underway.
-DM Dad
The one thing I am learning to count on as a DM is not to count on things 'going as planned'.
Tonight the crew investigated some ruins where there were rumored to be orcs.
The ruins opened by means of solving a dwarvan riddle which described the 4 elements (earth, wind, water, fire) in a specific order, giving the order to press the runes on a plate. The riddle took a while to solve, and was complicated by the fact that we had watched "The Fifth Element" the night before. They were blowing at and setting fire to the runes trying to get the dungeon open.
Once inside, the rogue rushed ahead and set off a trap. Everyone was stabbed in a flurry of spears flying down the hallway at them. Before the rogue can try to ensure that the trap was disabled, here comes the fighter, setting the trap off again, and getting everyone a few more points of damage.
So finally they get down the hall and open the door to the orc room. The entrance tunnel collapses behind them and so they get to fight off 8 average sized orcs and one really big orc commander. Most of the orcs go down in a hit. Each of the PCs earns some much needed karma points (which are accompanied by flying chocolate snacks). At the end they collect a bunch of items from a chest.
Despite earlier bad things happening when trying to use unidentified items, the fight slips on his new boots. Little did he know they were the Cursed Boots of Skipping. So suddenly our manly he-fighter is skipping through the forest back to town to get help in removing them.
Unfortunately, no one tried on the Cursed Gloves of Fumbling or attempted to use the Cursed Scimitar of Annoyance (boy was I going to have fun playing the annoying talking scimitar).
The ranger accidentally left her animal companion at a dungeon and had to waste 2 days travel to go back for her. *sigh*
The crew does finally happen across S. F., Scoardred Flamedance, a powerful sorcerer responsible for setting undead against graverobbers at the local cemetery. They learn to the powers available to a level 20 sorcerer as they journey with him to the local large city of Innsbruck. Along the way they get entrusted with solving a regional problem with bandits and Scoardred leaves them to their adventure.
Post game I had a bit of a follow-up with the PCs, asking the big question of what do you like / don't like? K, our rogue PC, likes fighting and not much else. She gets bored easily. C, who plays the ranger, likes talking to people. The others seemed to fall in between. So, now I just need to figure out how to balance between hack'n'slash and role-playing. *sigh*
I am a little concerned that everyone is not getting completely into their characters. So to open things up a bit, I am thinking I might hold a Friday night Dungeon Delve and let them try out some new characters. If they like them, maybe they can swap them out in the campaign, since it is just getting underway.
-DM Dad
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