For me, a good combat in D&D 5E involves players engaged, thinking, strategizing, and playing off of each other. Every player hangs on seeing what the other players are doing. The action is intense and varied. PCs work together. Players aren't just waiting on their turn. Not every combat has to be this way, but there are times when I want this level of combat.
For me, as a GM, one thing that breaks this type of combat is a PC simply taking the same exact action over and over. They are on cruise control. They aren't surprising the other players with their actions. They aren't working together as part of the team. Now, I have played with awesome players and I can tell you this isn't a player problem. Some classes do one thing well in combat and they use it. That is the way the class plays out based on its designed. As a GM, I want to help solve this issue in my games. I want players to have options.
The first solution that fixes most of the problems is putting together interesting combat. Add some terrain. Add weather effects. Add cover. Mix melee, ranged, and caster foes. Use tactics. Have the battlefield change over the course of the battle. Have foes and/or allies arrive and flee the battle. Use foes that play off of each other, use combinations of abilities, and use tactics.
To make it more effect I add all of the extra actions from the DMG. I also rule the RAW so more interesting things can happen: if you can grapple an opponent and lift them, you can wield them as an improvised weapon. They and your target both take the damage. A PC strong enough to grapple two foes can even smash them together as improvised weapon damage. I encourage players to shove foes off of cliffs, take cover, and use tactics to have fun.
One PC type that was problematic for a while was the ranged attacked with a bow / crossbow / sling. I make X attacks with my weapon, sometimes with special abilities, and it repeats round after round. To fix this problem, I put together some interesting ammunition:
For me, as a GM, one thing that breaks this type of combat is a PC simply taking the same exact action over and over. They are on cruise control. They aren't surprising the other players with their actions. They aren't working together as part of the team. Now, I have played with awesome players and I can tell you this isn't a player problem. Some classes do one thing well in combat and they use it. That is the way the class plays out based on its designed. As a GM, I want to help solve this issue in my games. I want players to have options.
The first solution that fixes most of the problems is putting together interesting combat. Add some terrain. Add weather effects. Add cover. Mix melee, ranged, and caster foes. Use tactics. Have the battlefield change over the course of the battle. Have foes and/or allies arrive and flee the battle. Use foes that play off of each other, use combinations of abilities, and use tactics.
To make it more effect I add all of the extra actions from the DMG. I also rule the RAW so more interesting things can happen: if you can grapple an opponent and lift them, you can wield them as an improvised weapon. They and your target both take the damage. A PC strong enough to grapple two foes can even smash them together as improvised weapon damage. I encourage players to shove foes off of cliffs, take cover, and use tactics to have fun.
One PC type that was problematic for a while was the ranged attacked with a bow / crossbow / sling. I make X attacks with my weapon, sometimes with special abilities, and it repeats round after round. To fix this problem, I put together some interesting ammunition:
Whistling Arrow / Bolt
Deals no damage
Flask Arrow / Bolt
Ammunition contains a flask that
breaks on a hit. Common liquids that are placed in the flask can
include water (for dousing flames), oil (make a target slippery
or flammable), acid (acid damage).
Range is Halved
Streaking Arrow
When fired into the air, it leaves
behind a visible trail that can be seen for miles
Deals no damage
Caltrop Arrow / Bolt
On a hit, the caltrops contained
within are dispersed per the normal rules for caltrops.
Deals no damage
Grappling Arrow / Bolt
On a hit, the ammunition deploys a
grappling hook attached to a 50ft rope of spider silk.
Lantern Arrow / Bolt
On a hit, the ammunition ignites,
providing light equivalent to a torch for 1min.
Deals no damage
Blunt Arrow / Bolt
Deals bludgeoning damage,
optionally nonlethal
Arrow / Bolt of Entanglement
On a hit the target becomes prone
and restrained until it uses an action to free iteself
Deals no damage
Immovable Arrow / Bolt
On a hit the ammunition becomes
immovable until a specific word is spoken. Refer to immovable
rod for details.
Arrow / Bolt of Healing
On a hit, the ammunition deals
normal damage and then heals for 3d10.
The target can try to be struck,
giving the attacker advantage.
Arrow / Bolt of Dispelling
On a hit, it behaves as Dispel
Arrow / Bolt of Faerie Fire
On a hit, the target is targeted by
the spell Faerie Fire
Arrow / Bolt of Lockpicking
On a hit, the ammunition destroys a
single lock
Bang Arrow / Bolt
On a hit, the ammunition deals an
addition 1d10 thunder damage in a loud boom that can be heard
for 300 ft
Arrow / Bolt of Dominate
On a hit, the target is subject to
the spell Dominate Person
Arrow / Bolt of Silence
On a hit, the spell Silence is cast
on the target or location
Blinkback Arrow / Bolt
On a hit, the target must make a DC
18 Wisdom save or be immediately teleported adjacent to the
Arrow / Bolt of Tracking
Once fired, the attacker knows the
distance and bearing to the ammunition at all times until the
effect is dispelled with a specific word
Very Rare
Antimagic Arrow
On a hit, the ammunition generates
an antimagic field with 30 ft radius. Within this radius, spells
automatically fail, spell effects cannot manifest, and summoned
creatures are unsummoned. The effect lasts for 1 minute.
Very Rare
Blink Arrow / Bolt
The arrow can blink in and out of
the material plane (into the ethereal plane) along its path to
bypass solid objects such as walls. The attacker must be able to
discern the location of the target. The GM may add additional
conditions to hit it the target is not visible to the attacker.
Very Rare
Ethereal Arrow / Bolt
The ammunition travels through the
ethereal plane and can only hit targets that reside in the
ethereal plane.
Arrow / Bolt of Rift
On a hit, a rift is opened to
another random plane and all objects and creatures within 10ft
of the rift are sucked through. The rift then immediately
Arrow / Bolt of Slaying
The target must make a DC 24
Constitution save or it is immediately dropped to hero hit
points. On a successful save, its hit points are reduced by half
its maximum hit points.
Temporal Arrow / Bolt
As a free action, the possessor of
the ammunition can choose to have it hit any target as a
critical hit. The arrow must be fired by the possessor at that
location in the future, or a temporal paradox will manifest
causing the possessor to be completely erased from all
I put these arrows into play and more interesting things start to happen. So far, I've just scratched the surface with them in my game, and I will be bumping up their use in my games ahead.
So that leaves another specific class that I've seen time and time again use one action over and over in combat: the warlock and eldritch blast.
Warlock gets the best cantrip in the game with eldritch blast. Throw agonizing blast on top of it and you mostly can't beat it. The warlock gets very few spell slots, and although they recharge on a short rest, they are too few and too valuable to use all the time in combat. The warlock usually falls back on eldritch blast.
I posed the question out to the twitter community as to what they do in their games to encourage other actions besides the typical warlock spamming of eldritch blast. The results were not good (refer to this post). After digging through the results, I was able to pull out some of the gems. Here's the summarized list:
- Allowing the warlock to request new options from their patron.
- Allow eldritch blasts to build a sorcery point like pool of corruption that can be spent to do other things.
- Give them magic items, especially something that gives more spell slots / store spells.
- Buff the warlock, giving them a faster spell progression.
- Add invocations to scale their familiar to make them more useful in combat at higher levels.
- Expand Eldritch Blast into multiple versions that do extra / other things.
- Add invocations for Eldritch Blast to allow grapple, disarm, shoves.
- Let the warlock use a different spell list.
- Add an escalating chance of failure with repeated use eldritch blast.
Magic items are obviously a great way to add options. However, there is no real guarantee who in the party will get them. With warlock, it is difficult to specialize a weapon just for them.
I considered looking at a warlock rewrite, but I'd prefer not to jump too far away from RAW warlock. Building too much homebrew in throws players and the game off and turns a lot of players away. Besides, warlock is awesome for roleplay and in non-combat encounters and I don't want to lose that.
Ultimately, here is the solution I came up with, inspired by a couple of the comments:
For spells that use an attack roll and do force damage, a caster can choose, before an attack roll is made, to instead do one of the following in lieu of the normal force damage:
- Disarm the target, using the normal spell attack roll
- Shove the target (either 5 ft or prone) using the attack roll in place of the normal Strength(Athletics) check
- Perform the help action to grant advantage on an ally's next attack vs the same target before the start of your next turn
The choice to take one of the above actions may be done independently for each attack granted by the spell.
The following spells would be affected by this houserule:
- Arcane / Bigby's Hand (Clenched Fist)
- Chaos Bolt
- Eldritch Blast
- Mordekainen's Sword
- Spiritual Weapon
- Steel Wind Strike
I proposed this as a change to my 5E game that has warlock in play and another soon to be in play. The rule was generally liked and the very next combat, it was in use and useful. It broke up the combat. I don't think it will always be used in every combat, but it worked well so far.
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