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Showing posts from August, 2012


Obligatory gencon post: I live two hours from Gencon.  Unfortunately, today was one of the worst allergy days of the year and my chances of going this weekend are nil. Gah. To cheer myself up, I am taking mention of the 'gnomeling' race in one of the many blogs I read, and making it a pathfinder reality. Gnomeling = half gnome, half halfling Half halfling ... isn't that a quarterling?

A Couple of Kickstarters

I have become a big fan of kickstarters for RPG material.  A couple of the kickstarters I am excited about are in danger of not being funded.  Please take a look and see if you'd like to donate.  If you like them, please also pass the word along. RPG and Miniature Gaming Battle Maps Hallowmas Both projects have awesome artists that will be bringing them to life if they are funded.

Feats for Clerics

Some things to look into, if you're playing a pathfinder cleric healer: Selective Channeling Feat to block enemies from getting healed. Contingent Channeling to heal your allies before they get injured, perhaps in advance of a fight. I have always thought clerics are awesome, and with these feats, doubly so.


Random Tables are hard to manage.  Either you have binders or books of paper, folders of files, or folders of links.  Once you search through these to find the table you want, there is still the matter of deciphering how to roll the table (imploding and exploding dice, rounding, complex dice formulas, cross references) and getting all the values recorded somewhere.  If you are recording things on a computer, this can mean a lot of typing.  All of this process goes against the basic premise of having a random result quickly when you need it. JTableRoller is an 'alpha' version of a Table Handling tool.  You record all your tables as text files using a simple format (suitable for being easily built from a copy and pasted table or manually using a text editor).  You stick these text files in a directory.  JTableRoller automagically ingests these files on startup and gives you a drop down list of tables.  Choose a table, hit the Roll button, and...

Map of Waterdeep

A little eye-candy to get the players excited:  3' x 5' map of waterdeep: