We have been playing very lax with traps to date. After some research I proposed the following method for dealing with traps which seems fully consistent with pathfinder rules:
In order to search for traps, one must state that the character is searching. You must move at half speed. You search all areas within 10 feet of your path. Rogues with trapspotting get the full effect, but can move at normal speed and do not need to state that they are searching. Without moving, the character can search a 5 square by 5 square area centered on the character.
Perception is rolled once (hidden, aka. by GM) per round for each searching character. Searching is assumed to use all senses to observe all adjacent surfaces (ceiling, walls, etc) within 10 feet of the searcher. Searching more than 10 feet from the character can be specifically requested (i.e. I want to search the ceiling.) but will have a distance modifier (+1 DC/10 feet) and may be affected by the range of sense. Searching inside objects (dresser, chest, body, well, etc) needs to be specifically called out.
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